Saturday, February 19, 2011

will the new commandant for the usmc coming up change the tattoo policy back so we can get sleeves again?

I was at the MCX today and a Marine with some tattoo sleeves noticed my half leg sleeve and asked if I was going to finish it and I said i couldn't because the policy and he said don't worry the new commandant will change that is this true?


  1. No. You must decide if your need to look like a biker gang member by mutilating yourself out ways your need to be a Marine. It's the same reason you can't have rings in your nose or hair to your back. Not Military or professional.

  2. You'll have to wait and see. I don't see any likelihood though.

  3. No one knows. General Conway really clamped down on the tattoo policy, and it's up to the new guy to decide if he wants to keep it that way. I don't care either way, (I'm not getting a tattoo regardless) but my guess is that any changes to the policy are going to be minor. He's not going to slap General Conway in the face and say, "I'm completely throwing his policy out the window, it's freaking stupid."

    General Conway is trying to make a New Corps for a new century. The Marine Corps is changing, because we aren't just killers anymore; we're humanitarians and ambassadors, whether we like it or not. Gone are the days when we could go into a place like Iwo Jima and kill everything we see. "No better friend, no worse enemy" is the order of the day. And having a corps of tattooed-up KILL KILL KILL EM ALL guys doesn't help to make that impression.

    Whether you agree or disagree with that is up to you, but that's the Commandant's reasoning behind it, and my guess is that the next one is at least going to partially agree with it.

