Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tattoo flash ?

Would tattoo artists/shops buy high quality tattoo flash sheets ?
If so any idea how much the going price for tattoo flash are


  1. yes they would
    Some are cheap, some are expensive, depends on what they are and from who

  2. tattoo flash are small pictures on say a piece of typing paper, about that size and it can be 2 or 6 pictures per sheet. they sell for $25.00 to $75.00 dollars a sheet and it depends on how good your drawings are that can make the artist more willing to buy them, and i'm not talking about tracing other peoples pictures they only want real drawings and stuff that nobody else has, that is what they buy.

  3. Yes, many tattoo shops get their supplies from flash artists. The price they are going to pay depends on the salebility and quality of the artwork, and also if they are exclusive or sold as mass flash.
