Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to find a good artist that specializes in tattoo sleeves?

My current artist is amazing don't get me wrong but his ink he used on my ribs wasn't of the best grade also he doesn't do sleeves ever really and if he does there never in all color I can't ask him cause that would be weird and kind of rude I live in Oklahoma tattoo parlirs just became legal here years ago so finding a quaility artist is freaking hard mist shops on the streets here have awful artist most there work is very amatuer to say the leaset


  1. Ask around. Do you have any friends with sleeves? Ask where they got them done. You can also call tattoo shops in your area and ask if they have any good artists who are good at sleeves and if so, go in and just check out of some their work.

  2. If you see some one that has a sleeve that you like in your area then ask them where or whom they had it done by.
    Once you have an idea of what you want, have a look through portfolios around shops in your area and don't be afraid to ask questions. A good shop should have friendly staff, have good lighting. have licensed artist (if required by the state), should show you that they have sterilized equipment for each client. If they are shady looking or don't answer your questions run away fast. You should be comfortable in the shop and with the person that is going to do your tattoo.
